Welcome to The Desert 2025

Barb Solem2025, Art Retreat in the Desert, News, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

We are getting really excited about our upcoming retreat next month!

We’re working diligently to put the finishing touches on everything to make it perfect for you.

We’ll be emailing you – sometimes daily – over the next several weeks with updates and information that we hope will be beneficial.

Our experience is that students become a bit anxious about what to expect when they arrive at an event such as ours, and

our goal is to take the worry and stress out of your time with us with these communications.

If there is anything we don’t cover that you may have a question about,

please feel free to text Barb, and she will answer your questions and put your mind at ease.


We have created ways to connect you with us and you with each other before and during our retreat. We’ll send informational updates  to you, and, it works both directions; you can reach out to us without having to search too hard or wait too long for a response.


Do you Facebook?

We’re creating a private FB page just for you, our past and present Desert students, your instructors – and us.

This FB page gives everyone a chance to connect with each other.

Have questions? Ask it on our private FB page.

Want to share a hotel room with another student? Post your intention, and see if there is anyone who wants to share.

If you are a new Vivi Magoo student and haven’t become friends with Barb on FB, you’ll need to become friends with her first.

You and Barb need to be friends on her page (here’s the link).

Once you are friends, you can request to become a member of The Desert private Facebook page.

If you don’t have a FB account, no worries – you can stay connected with Barb and Erin through texts and emails!


Here’s another favor we ask of you – We ask that you share your cell phone number with us so we will be able to text as an additional way to stay connected.

If you are a new student, would you please text Barb on the phone that you plan to bring to The Desert 2024 and include your name in the body of the text so we add you to our contacts?


Here’s Barb’s cell phone number
602-509-6030 (text)

If you are a returning student, and your number hasn’t changed since your last retreat with us, we have all the info we need – no need to do anything!


We have an active Instagram page and would love for you to share your photos and posts with us throughout the retreat. You can find us here.

Hashtag your posts to



Thanks for sharing your fun times at The Desert 2025 and the beautiful projects you make with us!


We have protocols in place to help keep everyone safe during our retreat which include hand sanitizer in our public spaces and hand washing stations adjacent to classroom.

You can do your part to stay healthy and help keep others around you healthy as well by updating your vaccinations before arriving at our retreat.


We know you will enjoy your time with us and go home with loads of new techniques and tips to continue creating beautiful jewelry all year long.

As importantly, we know that you will forge friendships along the way and stay connected with these new and dear friends until you reunite with them at a future Vivi Magoo retreat.

We’re looking forward to gathering soon!

Barb (602) 509-6030 (cell)
[email protected]
Erin (602) 615-4136 (cell)
[email protected]