Let’s get started on our Epic Adventure!

Barb Solem2018, Danny's Epic Adventures, Vivi Magoo LTD, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

We’re getting close to when we begin our journey with each other!  

Less than two weeks away!

We’re so excited and hope you are too!

We’re going to begin sending a series of emails to you –

We want to make sure you have all of the information you need to make your trip and retreat memorable and fun.

And, we invite you to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.  Our goal is to make this a stress-free and relaxing retreat for you!

We’ve set up a Facebook page for us to talk with each other and begin the introductions so we feel more at home when we get to the Valley of the Sun. You can introduce yourself to each other there, ask questions or leave comments or questions for us if you’d like. It’s a great way to become acquainted with each other and begin to feel the excitement for our upcoming retreat! And, you can feel comfortable sharing on this page since it’s private. Our eyes only.

If you’re not a Friend of mine, please Friend me. Here’s Barb’s link. Once we are friends, you can join the private group by linking here. If you have any problems, drop us a note, and we’ll add you ourselves.

We’ll be back soon with more information!


[email protected]


[email protected]