Tucson weather ranges from daily highs of 70(ish) to overnight lows of 45 degrees.
The extended forecast during our retreat looks beautiful!
Picture Perfect!
Here’s what Accu-Weather says about Tucson’s weather during our stay –
It’s Chamber of Commerce perfect

Our classrooms are generally well-controlled,
but that’s not to say it may appear a bit warm or somewhat chilly to one or another of you dear students.
Comfortable lightweight clothing that you can layer is our best suggestion.
We won’t be doing anything fancy, so no need for dress up clothes.
Jeans, shorts, comfy tops, sweaters and a lightweight jacket would be perfect to bring.
Remember, for studio safety, close-toed shoes, no flow-y sleeves, and hair ties are a must.
If you have any questions about what to pack, please don’t hesitate to contact either of us!