Round Top weather in April ranges from daily highs of 80-85 degrees to overnight lows of 60-65 degrees. It tends to be one of their rainier months, so maybe toss an umbrella in your suitcase for those occasional rainy days. The weather is pretty crazy in that part of Texas, so we prepare for a variety of weather whenever we travel there.
Here’s what the Weather Channel says about Round Top’s weather during our stay –
Sunday sunny 70-44
Monday sunny 75-52
Tuesday mostly sunny 80-60
Wednesday partly cloudy 82-61
Thursday partly cloudy 81-66
Friday scattered thunderstorms 82-64
We can adjust the temperature in the classroom, so that’s not as much of an issue. Oftentimes we will switch from a/c to heat on any given day!
Comfortable lightweight clothing that you can layer is our best suggestion. We won’t be doing anything fancy, so no need for dress up clothes. Jeans, shorts, comfy tops, sweaters and a lightweight jacket would be perfect to bring.
If you have any questions about what to pack, please don’t hesitate to contact either of us!
Prairie blessings,
[email protected]
[email protected]