Your Health and Well-Being are Important to Us

Barb SolemArt Retreat in the Desert, General Information, Health & Safety, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

YOUR SAFETY AND HEALTH ARE OUR TOP PRIORITY To set your mind at ease, we want you to know we have been monitoring events associated with influenza, RSV and the Covid virus. Proper hand-washing technique – hand sanitizer – equipment disinfecting – masking if you feel the need are all ways to guard against the spread of any infection and … Read More

Welcome to The Desert 2024

Barb Solem2023, Art Retreat in the Desert, News, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

We are getting really excited about our upcoming retreat next month! We’re working diligently to put the finishing touches on everything to make it perfect for you. We’ll be emailing you – sometimes daily – over the next several weeks with updates and information that we hope will be beneficial. Our experience is that students become a bit anxious about … Read More

Instructor Classrooms and Map

Barb Solem2023, Art Retreat in the Desert, classes, Events, General Information, Lunch, Maps, News, Social Gatherings, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

We’re all set to bring you a fantastic experience next week! We’re excited to kick off The Desert 2023, and it is going to be amazing! So that you never get lost while with us, we’ve created a map and legend of instructor’s classrooms. Map Map and Legend.The-Desert-2023-Classroom-Legend Included is also information about where a few of our key events … Read More

Weather Forecast during our retreat

Barb Solem2023, Art Retreat in the Desert, General Information, News, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations, weather, what to wear to class

Tucson weather ranges from daily highs of 70(ish) to overnight lows of 45 degrees. The extended forecast during our retreat looks beautiful! Picture Perfect! Here’s what Accu-Weather says about Tucson’s weather during our stay – It’s Chamber of Commerce perfect! Our classrooms are generally well-controlled, but that’s not to say it may appear a bit warm or somewhat chilly to … Read More

Relax . Unwind . Connect

Barb Solem2023, Art Retreat in the Desert, Events, General Information, News, Social Gatherings, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

Vivi Magoo Gatherings 4:30 pm until 7:00 pm Nightly AZul bar/lounge no-host bar menu items available   We know you’ll be pooped at the end of the day Honestly – we are too! We all deserve a bit of R-&-R! There will be lots to do there! A time for gathering – reuniting – making new friends – in the … Read More

Health & Safety Information from La Paloma

Barb Solem2023, Art Retreat in the Desert, General Information, Health & Safety, News, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

We thought you may like to save this information from La Paloma about health and safety measures they are taking to help protect everyone while on their property. Practices & Protocols for Maintaining Cleanliness Health and Safety Emergency Information 0 Comments Please login to comment