Anne Mitchell | Metal Clay Flower | Saturday, February 8, 2025 | 8:30 am until 4:30 pm
Join me for a fun filled day and create this amazing metal clay flower pendant.
We will delve into several metal clay techniques and follow up with simple soldering and stone setting skills.
The pendant will feature a 10mm cabochon that you will bring to set off the pendant and make it a personal statement.
*** Each student will be required to bring a 10mm faceted and calibrated gemstone to finish off and personalize each pendant ***
In stock
Instructor: Anne Mitchell
Class: Metal Clay Flower
Date of Class: 02/08/2025 from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm
Level: All levels are welcome!
Class Fee: $240
Kit Fee: $120 (payable to instructor at class time)
Kit Fee includes these metals and use of the following:
Anne supplies all materials and tools for every student in her classes.
Student Supply List
Each student will be provided a complete workstation for personal use in class including tools, materials, and supplies.
*** Each student will be required to bring a 10mm faceted and calibrated gemstone to finish off and personalize each pendant ***
Optional Student Supply List
Work light and extension cord
Magnification or Optivisor if required
Sound protection if needed
Instructor Email Address: [email protected]
Instructor Website:
**** PRE-ORDER YOUR CLASS SUPPLIES TODAY! Many of our students have asked us to help streamline the process of gathering their supplies and tools for classes, and we have come up with a way we think will work for you. SJ Jewelry Supply in Phoenix is owned and operated by a wonderful family, headed by Mario Morales. His wife, Erika, and son, Steven, round out the staff, and they are excited to help make gathering your supplies easy and stress free. We guarantee they will make life easier for you! No kidding! Here’s how it will work….
- Once you have determined what you will need for each class, send an email with your request for products and/or tools to SJ Jewelry Supply
- Go to our website, open the class description for each of the classes in which you are enrolled, scroll down to the section “Student Supplies,” cut and paste the items you want to purchase into an email to Mario.
- Here’s their email address mailto:[email protected]
- When they receive your email, they will send you a return email acknowledging receipt of your request
- In this email, they will instruct you about payment methods
- Once your order is filled, they will send you a second email with confirmation stating your order is complete
- Included in this email, they will give you instructions on how to pick up your orders upon arrival in Tucson
Sound easy? We think it’s going to help take the stress out of preparing for classes! **********************************************************************************************************************