The Desert 2025 – Maps… Lists… Handy Overview

Barb Solem2025, 2025, Art Retreat in the Desert, classes, classes, Events, General Information, Lunch, Maps, maps, News, Schedule of Events, schedule of events, Social Gatherings, The Desert 2025, The Gathering Place, things to do, Vivi Magoo Marketplace, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

We’re so excited to bring you this fabulous retreat! We hope you are feeling calm and prepared for your arrival and that our series of emails throughout the past several weeks have helped to set your mind at ease over what to expect when you arrive!  This post will help alleviate any worries or concerns you may have about finding … Read More

What’s for lunch?

Barb Solem2025, Art Retreat in the Desert, dining, Lunch, News, schedule of events, Social Gatherings, The Desert 2025, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER

LUNCHTIME We asked La Paloma if they could provide us with an affordable and speedy way to serve 150 starving students and instructors in 1-1/2 hours, and they said sure thing! Daily Lunch Buffet in our own Vivi Magoo space (by Erin’s registration table) No need to go anywhere a short walk from class to lunch and back efficient speedy … Read More

Are you hungry?

Barb SolemArt Retreat in the Desert, dining, General Information, Lunch, News, The Desert - 2020, VIVI MAGOO NEWSLETTER, Vivi Magoo Presents Art Retreats and Other Inspirations

The Westin La Paloma has several restaurants on their property, sure to please your palette. LUNCHTIME We asked La Paloma if they could provide us with an affordable and speedy way to serve 150 starving students and instructors in 1-1/2 hours, and they said sure thing! La Paloma will have staff serving us as we progress through the line where … Read More