Sarah Long (Brown-Dog Studio) | Let’s Twist and Shot: a bracelet | Monday, February 5, 2024 | 9:00 am until 4:30 pm


Let’s Twist (wire) and Shot (plate) to make a fun cuff, perfect for adding one/several little charms! This cuff can be worn as a single statement piece or as a great textural addition in a wrist stack.

You’ll learn:

  • how to prepare and manually twist wire
  • set up of multiple soldering operations
  • how to measure and create equally-sized shot (and different sizes, too!)
  • techniques for creating simple shot plate impression charms
  • how I stick and pick solder
  • shaping and finishing/clean-up of cuff

Out of stock

It looks like this is a very popular class and has sold out!


Instructor: Sarah Long

Title of Class: Twist and Shot Bracelet

Date of Class:  Monday, February 5, 2024

Time: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Level: all levels welcome, previous experience with a torch helpful

Type: A Project and Technique Workshop

Class Fee: $205

Kit Fee: $90, collected by Vivi Magoo

*may need adjustment due to the fluctuation of metal prices

Kit Includes

all sterling silver needed for project

wire solder

hand out

consumables (solder, flux, fuel, flex shaft bits)

soldering and cleanup stations provided by Vivi Magoo

my favorite sanding kit!

Instructor will have the following for use in class

Soldering stations

Flex shafts

(2) charcoal block set-ups (not as soldering stations)

bench grinder and wheels

flex shaft bits

some of my favorite shot plate dies

bench vise

Student Supply List

Small solderite board and a chunk of kiln brick to carry project to stations and as soldering surface. I like having both

soldering pick (I have a favorite titanium pick I’ll send a link to in email prior to class)

soldering tweezers

cross locking tweezers *(a second set is optional, if you would like to use them like I do for stick soldering)

old jewelry pliers for soldering

needle files

flat nose pliers (2)

flush wire cutters

heavy wire cutters

jewelers saw and 2/0 – 3/0 blades with cut lube or wax

bench pin AND 3” or 4” C-clamp to secure bench pin to table (tables vary and the clamps that come with most travelling bench pins may not fit on the tables)

heavy rawhide or plastic mallet

steel bench block and rubber block or leather

hammer for the shot plates

very fine sharpie, check in advance to make sure it’s still really inky!

pencil and notepad

EYE PROTECTION!!! this is NOT an optional supply for anyone hammering metal dies or using a flex shaft tool or bench grinder.

Optional Supply List

Work light and extension cord

Magnification if required

Ear protection

Face/dust mask

third hand

Additional Class Comments:

I will have my personal (favorite) shot plates and 2 hammers like I use for the plates. I don’t recommend that you bring random, additional shot plates for this class, because we won’t have extra class time for trouble-shooting different shot plates! More info will come in a pre-class email. Feel free to message me in advance of class if you have questions about this! I’ll be teaching an evening class where we explore many different shot plates!

Instructor Email Address: mailto:[email protected]

Instructor Website:





Many of our students have asked us to help streamline the process of gathering their supplies and tools for classes, and we have come up with a way we think will work for you.

SJ Jewelry Supply in Phoenix is owned and operated by a wonderful family, headed by Mario Morales. His wife, Erika, and son, Steven, round out the staff, and they are excited to help make gathering your supplies easy and stress free. We guarantee they will make life easier for you! No kidding!

Here’s how it will work….

  • Once you have determined what you will need for class, send an email with your request for products and/or tools to SJ Jewelry Supply
    • Go to our website, open the class description for the class, scroll down to the section “Student Supplies,” cut and paste the items you want to purchase into an email to Mario.
    • Here’s their email address mailto:[email protected]
  • When they receive your email, they will send you a return email acknowledging receipt of your request
    • In this email, they will instruct you about payment methods 
  • Once your order is filled, they will send you a second email with confirmation stating your order is complete
    • Included in this email, they will give you instructions on how to pick up your orders upon arrival in September!

 Sound easy? We think it’s going to help take the stress out of preparing for classes!